How Winnable is Your Case? Pt. 1

Posted on Tuesday, June 16th, 2020 at 4:33 am    

Injuries and deaths caused by car accidents are messy and complicated. They often require the assistance of a lawyer who specializes in personal injury cases or insurance claims. Personal injury claims may require extensive evidence, witness testimony and other factors making it hard to do on your own. This article will discuss how a car accident lawyer assesses whether a case is winnable or not.

How Winnable is Your Case

The reality is that a car accident lawyer has a choice to decide take or reject your case. In making that decision the lawyer must assess the possibility of the case having success. This is mainly because a personal injury lawyer is paid only if they win the case when no retainer paid. Additionally, whether the lawyer is paid before or along the way they do not want to lose a case. As such, it is vital that all details about the accident be shared with the lawyer. This allows the lawyer to come up with the best possible strategy for winning.

Many details are examined and analyzed with regard to the evidence. Inspection is made on such issues relating to:

  • liability,
  • injury and
  • the opposing legal team

However, before the case moves forward the legal representative needs to conclude whether or not the case is winnable.

Winnable – Liability

In car accident cases, one of the most important factors that must be taken into consideration is that of liability. The lawyer must analyze this aspect first, because of what an insurance company may decide for the accident. There may be many of different levels of negligence involved or a clear responsible party. However, in some cases, it may be that the liability is shared between the parties involved in the case.

For a free initial consultation contact the Vinson Law Office, today.

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