Case Value Matrix
Posted on Thursday, May 26th, 2016 at 3:00 pm
Case value matrix
Many lawsuits are settled before they get to trial and are paid out of a trust fund set aside for handling mesothelioma and asbestos-related cases and future cases. In order to settle a lawsuit and give a value to the damages to be paid out a case valuation matrix is used. A case valuation matrix is a legal document which assigns a base dollar figure to a cancer type and then recalculates the base dollar figure amount with additional information.
When referring to a base dollar figure amount, this basically means each type of cancer has an amount tied to it. That is to say, for example, there is a base dollar value amount for mesothelioma. The amounts vary by state and region, they take into consideration asbestos exposure levels based on the location of exposure. The amounts vary from a few thousand dollars to several hundred thousand dollars.
Case value matrix – Variables
Once the base dollar figure is established other variables or factors are taken into consideration, these variables can affect the amount. Variables can either increase or decrease the figure of compensation.
Such variables are:
- Location, age, gender and work history of the claimant
- History of military service
- Physical and mental distress of claimant (also called pain and suffering)
- The location of exposure (where it happened)
- Which asbestos product(s) the claimant was exposed to
Expenses relating to the disease can also affect the compensation amount, for example:
- Medical expenses these include expenses not covered by one’s health insurance
- Travel costs for medical treatments
- Loss of income/wages
- Cost of continuous care
- The claimant’s ability to support his/her dependents
- Funeral expenses
As a result of these variables; it is hard to predict a cases exact value before a claim is filed. However, a specialized and qualified attorney can review your information and provide estimations as to the possible value that may be drawn from the case. These estimates can be the determining factor as to whether one pursues a claim or not.