Asbestos Exposure: Rise and Fall

Posted on Thursday, October 6th, 2016 at 3:26 pm    

Asbestos Rise

Asbestos diseases include mesothelioma, asbestosis, asbestos cancer and respiratory sicknesses. At one point in history asbestos was hailed as the miracle mineral for its tensile strength, durability and ability to withstand intense heat. The mineral dates back to the Roman Empire, further, its health related problems also date back to that time of the Roman Empire. In that era, asbestos exposure was said to cause severe pulmonary problems. Even naturalists like Pliny the Elder noted that slaves who were used to mine the mineral suffered from ‘sickness of the lungs’ and died at an early age.


Asbestos Fall: Exposure

Asbestos diseases did not get widespread attention until the early to mid-1900s. The attention was drawn by the mineral’s popularity and its peak use. The result was many people being exposed and many people developing illnesses. Its use varied so widely that the demand for the mineral increased. So much so that the almost each household had asbestos products. Products included goods like:

  • Irons
  • Roofing
  • Glue
  • Paint

The increase in the demand increased the number of people exposed to asbestos and this increased the number of people who developed asbestos related illnesses.  Most people exposed to the mineral were unaware of its toxic nature. However, many employers knew about it and still exposed their employees to it. Once the word spread of the deadly asbestos disease, the mineral quickly moved from being the ‘miracle mineral’ to being the toxic mineral.

Researchers fail to understand why some individuals who are exposed to asbestos develop diseases while others do not. Evidence points to how long an individual was exposed and to how intense the exposure was. But, the most common thread that all researchers agree on is that no amount of asbestos exposure is safe.

If you were diagnosed with an asbestos disease, you may be entitled to compensation.

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