Pursuing a Mesothelioma Claim
Posted on Monday, July 15th, 2019 at 1:38 pm
One common question asked when it comes to mesothelioma is how to pursue a mesothelioma claim. The answer is by showing a specific company responsible or by seeking a traditional claim with a mesothelioma trust.
As with other claims mesothelioma starts with a claim that something caused cancer to the point that the victim requires compensation. However, the direct connection of cancer and asbestos changes the civil case to one proving that asbestos inhalation or contact caused mesothelioma cancer. If the company does not exist anymore, the victim may get compensation funds from an existing asbestos trust. In a traditional lawsuit the victim must produce medical health documentation. Additionally, an expert witness must claim that the cancer exists because of asbestos fibers in the victims lungs.
Pursuing a Mesothelioma Claim: The Asbestos Trust
There are more than 50 different companies that helped create asbestos bankruptcy trusts. These companies have funded these trusts with over $30 billion. The trusts provide compensation to those affected by mesothelioma cancer. When a victim is able to prove that asbestos contact or inhalation caused the cancerous damage they may draw on these trusts. If a victim can successfully prove their claim in court they may have access to hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages. However, only by working with a mesothelioma attorney is it possible to succeed.
To proceed through litigation the courtroom must be aware of all medical issues. In order to do this they must be documentation for cancer treatment for mesothelioma and all related costs. The purpose of the claim is to help with all damages owed for the asbestos exposure. To fully explain the matter to the courtroom the legal team may need an expert witness. The expert witness breaks down all expenses and removes confusion about the necessary treatment and future bills. In addition, treatment may fail initially and lead to further medical care.
A mesothelioma attorney helps gather and present evidence for the claim to the courtroom. For a free initial consultation contact a Vinson Law mesothelioma attorney today.